Posted in Classic DTSDiscipleship Training CenterFootball DTSGenerations DTSMercy and Justice DTS
A testimony from a student from the Mercy and Justice DTS.
India is a country with a lot of colours and diversity. It’s amazing to do the outreach in this country. But it is also a country where you discover Gods heart for the poor and needy. For example Gods heart for the widows. At the YWAM-base in Varanasi was a widows home. The widows are rejected by the society and even by their own family. They are left on the street and no one is watching them or taking care of them.
It made us really aware of Gods heart for the widows. James 1:27 says: ‘Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world. Gods call is to take care of the widows and that was really necessary in this country. The widows knew brokenness and loneliness. It was beautiful to see that the widows could stay at the widow home. When Jesus was on the earth, He visited especially the people who were rejected by the society. It was special that we as team could do the same end could spend time with the widows. We could do activities, we prayed for and with them and we could have a time of worship. The most special thing was to see how God was working among the widows. A lot of ladies were hindu, but more widows came to faith in Jesus.
God is going on with His work end it is really encouraging to be witness of that!