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A testimony from a DTS student.
This DTS we started our outreach in Honkong. There we served together with other teams from all over the world. It is amazing to know that there are always people reaching out and testifying about Gods big love! We did many ministries together with the Brazilian team (see photo). During the Christmas outreach there was this woman, and the day before she was sick. She helped with the children ministry, but was still sick. She had a red nose and looked ill. We did our programma and went back to the base.
I walked next to the woman and got it on heart to pray for her. So I asked. “Sure!”, she said. God really gave me the words to pray, also for healing and a blessing over her life. After the prayer she had a smile on her face.
That evening she came to me. Her face looked much better! No red nose anymore. She said that God healed her and she was very thankfull that I prayed with her. That was also stepping out for me, praying out loud. With translation, just to be sure, they said she was also worried about money. On the same day, she got a gift from her family back home. She was very thankfull to God! He provides.
It is amazing that God wants to use everyone. I want to engourage you tot help where it is needed. And through small things, make a big difference!