Posted in Biblical Studies CenterSchool of Biblical StudiesTitus Project
God started working in my heart already in preparations for Titus Project. First of all He made me think: why do I actually teach? Do I focus on myself or my audience? What is my role as a teacher? And how can I be effective? I have learned in Titus Project to not focus on my fears what people would think of me when I teach, but to focus on my students. What is the thing that they need? What message would help them? Already this was a big shifting in my whole perspective on teaching!!
During outreach in India I stepped out by giving many new teachings. Teaching 2 Corinthians in a SBS (School of Biblical Studies) was a big step. This was a process of facing my fears and trusting God that He is the one who is equipping me. I also did a Bible study at a student camp. About 80 students have been inspired and encouraged to step into their calling, trusting that God equips them. When I look back at the whole outreach I can only give God the glory for every teaching I did. He has been the one who gave me authority and self-confidence and He helped me to overcome my fears.
All this teaching experience has taught me that He is trustworthy. God was there with me in the whole outreach, and He will be with me in the future. I know that many more teaching opportunities will come in the future, and I know I can do this because God is the one who is enabling me
Titus Project is a ministry run by the Biblical Studies Center in cooperation with Titus Europe. It trains SBS graduates to teach the Word of God in areas where there is a great need for Bible teaching.